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0 votes

In Jul 17, 2017 you answered the same question with
"Currently, we're working on a full support of Isolator++ on VS2017."

But I can't find a corresponding entry in the realease notes.

asked by EnglerPeter (1.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hey Peter,

Isolator++ fully support VS 17 up to version 15.8 (not included).

Microsoft has made some changes in VS 17 ver 15.8 which might cause integration issues with Isolator ++.

In general, Isolator++ might work perfectly for you even in ver 15.8 and up but we can not assure that.

We are now working on full integration with Isolator++  and VS17 versions 15.8 and above. Stay updated! :)
answered by CoralTypemock (940 points)